Here continues my report from the Heart of Yoga conference with Desikachar in San Francisco this week. On Monday he taught the concepts of brahmana, langhana, and samaana.
Brahmana are activities which raise our energy. These can be useful when we are sleepy, lethargic, blue, or any other emotional/mental/physical state of slowness. Brahmana activities in yoga include backbends, inhale retention during pranayama, meditating on the sun, or chanting at a higher pitch.
Langhana activities lower our energy. These can be useful when one is feeling hyper, scattered, overly wakeful or warm. Langhana activities include twists, mild forward bends, slow exhalations, holding an exhale out, meditating on the moon, and chanting at a low pitch.
Samaana activities balance and maintain balance. These activities mix forward and back bends, and might include meditating on water or the lotus.
What I found remarkable about doing these practices in a group of a hundred or more people, was that on the breaks, different people were feeling benefit or agitation from the practices. Some hyper people didn't need more brahmana! Some slow people didn't need more langhana. And this is exactly why Desikachar continuously reminded us: "Practice self observation. Practice self observation."
So, I wish for all of us to have many pauses during the day to observe our energy level. And when our time for yoga comes, to choose the proper practice to raise, lower, or balance our energy.